The woman in Mark 5:24-34 believed she would be healed of her bleeding if she could only "touch the hem of his garment" [some think this means the ritual fringe on the bottom of his garment, such as Orthodox Jews wear till today].
She had courage and touched and was immediately healed by Jesus, the New Testament says.
This mural-sized painting of the famous scene is in the lower chapel of Duc in Altum, below the Boat Chapel and the Women's Atrium that we visited in previous posts.
(Remember that my photos here can be greatly enlarged with a click or two.)
The Magdala Center brochure describes The Encounter Chapel:
The basement chapel makes use of original stones found in the excavations of the road and marketplaces near the port. This interdenominational place of prayer is modeled after the synagogue plan with its 6 columns, colorful walls and placement of stones.
The chapel features a beautiful mural-sized painting of the encounter between Jesus and the hemorrhaging woman (Mark 5:25).
The stone benches along the walls are also like in the ancient synagogue of Migdal.
The one and only window looks out on the Sea of Galilee.
And the window creates the shadow of the cross.
Mother Teresa, Saint Teresa of Calcutta, adds her prayerful presence to the special place.
There is more about the chapel at the website:
To all the Christian readers, Holy Week blessings and happy Easter wishes from me, your Jewish friend here at Jerusalem Hills Daily Photo.
(Linking to inSPIRED Sunday, Monday Murals, and Our World Tuesday.)