Where are the Swiss Guard boys when you need them?!

(Photo by Pete Souza, July 10, 2009)
Some 15,000 visitors came to Midnight Mass at the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem last night and all went peacefully, thank God.
But not so at the Vatican!

(My photo from the Papal Mass in Jerusalem, May 2009)
At about 10 p.m. Rome time, as the procession of clergy was entering St. Peter's Basilica, an "unstable" woman jumped the barricade and rushed toward Pope Benedict.
Before being swarmed by plainclothes bodyguards (not the Swiss Guard), the
Jerusalem Post says "She grabbed the pope's vestments as she was taken down, with Benedict seemingly falling on top of her."
Cardinal Roger Etchegaraywas also knocked down in the commotion and was taken to hospital with a broken leg.
Strange. As the live transmission of the Midnight Mass began, I remember praying over my computer, "Please Pope Baruch, don't fall. Don't let anyone attack you. Be safe!"
(It is the old Jewish Mother syndrome. We worry.)
Suddenly the
Vaticano CTV webcast went blank and my heart skipped a beat.
But it soon resumed, showing the Pope already at the altar. I wondered why he looked sad. Sad on Christmas Eve?
Only two hours later, when the nice Mass was ended, did I hear about the incident on Israel radio news.
The woman in the red hooded sweatshirt can be seen as she was caught on
this video.
Good for you, Your Holiness, for picking yourself up and continuing to lead your people in the praise of God. Sei gesund und stark, Pope Baruch.
Merry Christmas to you and all.
UPDATE: CNS (Catholic News Service blog) just published more details, including this shocking item:
"Vatican sources confirmed that the woman was the same person who attempted to rush the pope at Midnight Mass last year, but was tackled by guards before she could reach the pontiff."
You think she will try again next year?? Oi veh!