Friday, June 10, 2011

A foretaste of Pentecost

In the dim recesses of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, a priest and his reflection.

Enlarge the photo and you will even see the light reflected in his eyeglasses as well.
What almost looks like a flame above his head reminds us that this Sunday is Pentecost for some Christians.
The Book of Acts says that the Apostles were gathered together in one place [the Upper Room] when suddenly a sound came from heaven like a rushing wind, filling the entire house where they were sitting.
Then tongues of fire appeared and one sat upon each one of Apostles!
They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages as directed by the Spirit.

The glass in which the priest was reflected shields a mosaic above the glittery bench.
The large mosaic of the Crucifixion was made in 1970.
It is next to the arched door of the Armenians' sacristy.
I hope James and the growing group at Weekend Reflections enjoy this dim reflection of inner brightness.


  1. I believe that is Fr. Sam of the Armenian Patriarchate. I love the flame balanced on his head. Lovely post Dina. Happy Shavuot to you.

  2. This is a great, holy posting! I feel like I'm having a religious experience just looking at it!
    Happy weekend, Dina!

  3. "...dim reflection of inner brightness." I love those words. And the first photo is especially wonderful; it could almost be a chiaroscuro painting.

  4. Very nice photo! Thanks for the information also, it was very interesting.

  5. yes, a great holy posting. I like the darkness and the glow of the two lamps. this is a wonderful, creative photo Dina. I like it very much for the atmosphere. nicely done. have a great weekend.

  6. These are great and very interesting. The top one is my favorite and I like the mood that's set by the low light.

  7. Very intimate. Is that normal I feel the urge to pray, now ?

  8. Beautiful place. Wonderful sense of atmosphere from the photos.


  9. The light is making a beautyful and serene mood; And my eyes caught the beautyful benches too!:) have a peaceful week-end!

  10. Beautifully done, Dina.
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  11. Wonderful. The first photo is amazing. Extra pleasure is to translate and to recognize the words.

  12. Beautiful reflections especially on the enlarge.
    "Adelaide and Beyond"

  13. Close to poetry.

    Please have a good weekend.

  14. That definitely looks like a sacred area - great photos.

  15. Love the reflections in your fist pic, Dina!

  16. Maybe I'll post a Holy Bench after all...

  17. So precious and fascinating, Dina.

  18. That looks to be a beautiful mosaic.

  19. These photos also reflect the mystery of Pentecost. Tongues of fire? A flame above each head? Who can understand such things?

  20. This photo looks like a painting by Rembrandt! It's very mysterious too. Pentecost, which we call Pinksteren, is one of the most difficult feasts in Christianity. Still I expect a great church service tomorrow, for it's the birthday of our religion.Thanks Dina for your post. I saw the lights reflected in the glasses of the priest.

  21. Dina, you made me smile with your comment! :-) Well, people use to say I don't look this old but the truth is I'll be 60 next October. By the way, the photo on my profile is a couple of years old, so I'm not very different now... LOL!

  22. The photo on top is fantastic! So myterious, what an amazing light.

  23. Beautiful, moving post. Perfect lighting on the first photo. On Pentacost Sunday in Rome, at the end of mass rose petals rain down from the Pantheon's oculus.

  24. The place looks very dark to look round


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