Sunday, March 4, 2012

Today's psalm--compact, together

With the persistent encouragement of Daily Athens Photo's Robert Geiss, the weekly PsalmChallenge has already covered one third of the Book of Psalms.
Today we arrived at Psalm 51.

You can simply enlarge the photo to read the English and/or Hebrew text and enjoy the awesome painted illustration of Psalm 51.

To my great joy this wonderful book was on display in an art gallery in our Le Meridien hotel at the Dead Sea.
"The Book of Psalms, decorated and illustrated by 150 artists accompanied by a new English translation" the front cover says.
It was printed in only 613 copies (like the 613 commandments in the Torah).
What a treasure.


  1. treasure indeed

    Aloha from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral

    >< } } ( ° >

  2. Very impressive work.

  3. How wonderful to have seen this book of Psalms with artist interpretations!

  4. What a beautiful decoreated book. Would love to have that:-)

  5. You get high marks again for another wonderful "Psalm Challenge" posting, Dina!

  6. Beautiful Thank you. Have a great week. Mary

  7. It is beautiful, Dina. I like the illustrator's style too.

    Hope the air is no longer full of sand for you today!

  8. I love the idea of an art gallery in the Le Meridien hotel at the Dead Sea. Internal and external tourists will be able to take a few minutes to see treasures they might ordinarily not see.

  9. Must feel a bit like an adventure to turn its pages.

    Please have you all a good new week ahead.

  10. WOW! «Louis» would like to see this!

  11. David was a sinner, a greater sinner than we are. Why are men with power so easily tempted to commit adultery?
    Did he write this psalm after or before Nathan's visit?


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