Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Carob silliness :)


ABC Wednesday, and C is for CAROB!

I finally found one single carob tree during my evening desert roamings and it was such a nice surprise!

The tree is also know as St. John's bread.
A translation error had John the Baptist eating locusts, but more likely the word in the Bible meant carobs. I hope so!
I gathered some fallen carobs from the ground, brought them home in my pocket, washed them, and ate the pod.
They taste good, some say like chocolate!

The advantage to walking solo in the desert just outside my town is that you can get silly and take silly selfies.
You can even sing and there is no one there to hear you.

To see how to eat, drink, and understand carobs please see my three earlier posts.


  1. Nice photos, but I am not sure I want to understand carobs...

  2. I had to look it up... didn't know the word (being Dutch, its called Johannesbroodboom...

    Jerusalem... for many years now that place is on my bucketlist...

    Thank you for participating and this nice entry with lovely photographs.

    ♫Mel☺y♫ (ABC-W-team)

  3. Fun shots! I don't think I've heard of them before.

  4. Nice selfies! You made me smile. I also read your other "carob" posts and found them very interesting. I am sure I saw some very similar green pods somewhere around here a few months ago growing on a tree, now if only I can remember where it was, maybe it was a carob! Now that I know what the tree looks like I'm going to be on the watch for one since we seem to grow so many of the same plants here and there.

  5. Strange looking things - sort of like giant brown pea pods! lol

    abcw team

  6. You eat the pod, not the seeds? I always love seeing you in your post photos, Dina. It makes me feel like I'm there with you. You've made me curious about how it tastes.

  7. great photo you look like an alien..Love it

  8. Are you making light of my 'stache here?

  9. So nice to have a little whimsy once in a while! Priceless.


  10. Some people just should NOT wear a mustache. Just sayin'.


  11. That self portrait is, to use an overused word, cute :-). I think I've seen these pods in India but I had no idea what they were called or that they're edible.

  12. I learned from this post! Thank you and what a great 'selfie'!

  13. Welcome Dina !
    I have heard carob.
    I was in your beautiful country but it is not eaten.
    I am very sorry.
    Hi hi hi these pictures it may be fitting for a mustache?
    Greetings from Polish.

  14. Only a term I am familiar with via biblical tellings. Great find!

  15. Friends, you will all just have to come over here and we will eat carobs together! I really got a kick out of your comments today, all so different and funny. :)

  16. I like your selfie. I am on the next plane Dina and we can enjoy the carobs : )

  17. Alice, I wish it were so. :)

  18. I like a person confident about her silly selfies. :-) Your last selfie had me thinking of the bull in a long-time-ago children's book. Ferdinand! I had to ask the Husband to help me remember the title.
    The View from the Top of the Ladder

  19. Well I'll have to research that scripture about John the Baptist!! Silly is fun.

  20. So looks a carob tree, thank you Dina to showing this.
    And yes, as a child I loved carobs.

  21. I wonder if a carob tree would like to grow where I live....it's probably too damp. Anyway, I can see how it would have been easier for St. John to catch some carob to eat, rather than locusts.


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