Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Life in the Old City


I was shocked to see this in a narrow lane in the Christian Quarter of the Old City.
(Actually all the streets of the Old City are narrow.)

Once I showed you some of Jerusalem's wall anchors by which steel rods INSIDE the old buildings pull the walls together so they will not collapse.

But this in the photo above is the opposite. The buildings are being pushed apart from the outside.
Rather disconcerting to walk below. Or to live in.


  1. I've seen this before in Lisbon...

  2. Old buildings, and people, sometimes need help. you show us the real city, Dina!

    Aloha from Waikiki :)

    Comfort Spiral



  3. That does not look nice! I wonder if other methods could have been used...

  4. I have already seen something like this in narrow alleys here. They say that usually it is not a good sign for the buildings...

  5. Is there a danger that the old stones may crumble and fall down?

  6. I've seen things like this in medieval old buildings inhabited...
    Hope it's a temporary solution before serious construction works, saving the style of the architecture.


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