Sunday, April 20, 2014

Grandma's pride and joy


Wishing joy and blessing to my Christian friends out there on Easter Sunday and Easter Monday.

My joy this weekend was celebrating granddaughter Libby's 4th birthday together with the extended family,  here in Meitar.

Naomi and Guy, Dean, Eyal, and Libby return to Australia on Tuesday.
It will be a two-handkerchief day for me.


  1. Cute shots!

    I can see that being an emotional day for you coming up.

  2. i can understand that. she is so beautiful.
    כסבתא מבינה כל כך לליבך.

  3. I would wish every grandma and grandpa and every parent around the world could see how rich and lucky they are! And maybe most of us do see it? I thank God each and every day for my children - my most precious gifts from the Lord!

    I really hope you'll see them soon again!

  4. The bottom shot is priceless! How very cute! :-)

  5. She is just beautiful Dina, these photos are keepers for sure. Will be thinking of you tomorrow.

  6. You have had so much fun with your grandchildren and family close by. We have enjoyed sharing your happiness. Enjoy these last few moments. Happy easter.

  7. Lovely shots, I am sure tomorrow you will need those hankies...

  8. It will be terrible saying goodbye and there is nothing that will relieve the pain over 15,000 ks :( I know everyone's children live where they want and don't ask our permission, but I have NEVER got over my sons moving away.

    She is an absolute boobie! Cute as a button!

  9. Pretty dress :) Too bad they have to go back to Australia - I hope they come back soon.


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