Monday, October 13, 2014

Carob tree full of fruit


Have you ever eaten from the carob tree?

It is fun to chew the chewy carob pod, avoiding its big seeds.

Some say it is almost like chocolate.
And even better, it's free!  
The trees grow wild in Israel.
See more in my earlier posts:
A cold carob drink
From carobs to teshuva, repentance


  1. That is great! Jepp, I got a taste in Jerusalem Hills:-)

  2. I'll keep the chocolate, but the tree is really gorgeous!

  3. Sort of looks like a string bean. Closest would be a carrot tree, and I don't think there are around.

  4. It's possible this is the first I've heard of a carob tree.

  5. I didn't think I'd seen the tree but I have! I've eaten carob, too. It's a little chocolatey. Like VP, I prefer chocolate!

  6. In Tel Aviv there is a small park with carob trees. Last year I picked a big amount of them in August,and then made homemade carob syrup and my own carob powder. This year I picked them up in September ,and they had already dried up.

  7. It took me a while to find how it's called in portuguese but, yes, we have them here too.


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