Saturday, October 6, 2012

Good drones and bad drones


How strange.
Last night I wrote this little post (below) and today we hear that a drone entered Israel airspace at 10 a.m. and was  shot down by our air force.
But  the intercepted drone was one in the shape of an airplane.

Our jets followed it for half an hour  a short while after it turned inland  from the Mediterranean.
At the edge of the Negev desert, on the southern slopes of  the Hebron mountains,  the UAV unmanned aircraft was shot down. 

See the video here  and read  Ynet's latest speculations [updated] about where it came from.

Here is my innocent post written yesterday:

The dream of every photo blogger, no?

But would you trust your camera to this little flying machine?
Or more precisely, this remotely-operated unmanned miniature helicopter.

Seen and admired at AgriTech exhibition in May.


  1. An interesting coincidence! I saw it (the one they shot down) on the news this afternoon.

  2. tx for the news. Hoping for the best, here in France.

  3. This is a small and big thing at the same time.

  4. Dina, as you know I've been posting on the strugle against austerity in Portugal and other European countries too, which is making us loose any hope in the future, but I can't even imagine what the anxiety might be when you live with such terrible threats coming from neighbouring countries. You definitely have to be very strong. Take care.

    P.S. Sorry I haven't been posting or visiting lately but my free time has been entirely spent at the hospital where my mothet still is, after having had three infarctions. She's much better now and I hope she will go home soon.

  5. What a scary idea to live in fear of being spied on by drones, which can be used as suicide bombers. I hope that we all keep our heads cool.
    Shalom, Dina.

  6. Oh my. Now that unmanned planes. Please be safe.

  7. je ne crois pas qu'il existe de bon drone

  8. I will surely trust my old camera to this drone: a vantage position is always the dream of any shooter. With a camera or else...


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