Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Forest fire burning above Abu Ghosh

I just returned to Meitar from a few days visit to my previous hometown in the Jerusalem Hills.

 My bus left Jerusalem at 1:35 and when we  passed Abu Ghosh at 1:50  a really big forest fire was burning!

Apparently they closed that part of Highway One (Jerusalem <-> Tel Aviv) right after.
Dozens of firefighting units and planes are battling the fire.
News says it is around Kibbutzim Maale Hahamisha and Kiryat Anavim and the Israeli Arab town of Abu Ghosh.

This is the turn off to those villages, from Highway One.

The houses of Abu Ghosh.

Now, at 5:55,  news reports the fire has been "contained,"  but it ain't over yet. 

Oi,  I hate forest fire season. 
Good  luck to the folks in the hills.


  1. Dramatic images, I wish them good luck!

  2. Oh no! :-(

    So scary, I hope that contained also means that it's going to stop soon though I don't imagine that you have any rain in the forecast...

  3. OMG, so scary!
    Every Summer the same problem...

  4. Oh no, this looks really scary!!!


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