Thursday, August 23, 2018

Sheep, then and now


These sheep are most likely on the table now during this week of Id il Adha, the Muslim Festival of Sacrifice.
Click to enlarge the photo.  See a lone goat going in the wrong direction?  :)  

We saw them in April crossing a road just northwest of my town in the Negev. 

A friend and I were driving home parallel to the security wall. 
On the other side is the West Bank. 

Id mubarak, wishing a blessed and happy holiday to the Palestinians across the way and to our Bedouin neighbors here in the Negev. 


  1. "These sheep are most likely on the table now"

    Yikes...I am not a vegetarian, so I have no room to talk, but yikes...

  2. Like William said, quite a herd !

  3. That little goat going in the wrong direction, knows what is going to happen to the sheep and wants not to end up on the table also, so he's heading out on a little adventure: )


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