Wednesday, August 8, 2018

The cat with only one ear


Happy International Cat Day to this wary one-eared long-tailed cat.
I locked glances with him outside a Beer Sheva restaurant.
Dear readers, I'm sorry for the long time since my last post.
Guess it was a combination of sudden busy-ness, procrastination, long hot summer laziness, and bloggers block.   I'll try to do better now.
Happy August to you.


  1. Oh dear. I normally say to my students and colleagues to keep their ears to the ground and pass on any breaking blogworthy news. But you can't tell that to your poor cat.

  2. Happy Dina that you are back blogging : )

  3. Welcome back! Looking in every day and was wondering about your absence. Most important; no serious reason. ( like being sick or so ...):-)

  4. I have been just as 'bad' about blogging this summer. It is like writer's block but maybe it is blogger's fog?? Who knows? Glad you are back and love that cat!!

  5. Poor cat with only one ear, he/she seems a bit shy, but otherwise he/she has a nice appearance ...

  6. Oh dear, I wonder if it is called Van Gogh 😉 I know how you feel Dina, sometimes you just have to have a blogger break!

  7. Oh gracious! Poor thing... He must have been in a cat fight.


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