Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The many names of Jerusalem

In this holiday week of Sukkot, Jerusalem is overflowing with Israeli and foreign tourists, Christian pilgrims, and native Jerusalemites.
Just like in Biblical days, the city is packed with those who go up to Jerusalem for Sukkot, one of the three great pilgrimage festivals; but miraculously, there is always room for everyone.
 The midrash says that Jerusalem has 70 different names.
Here is the Israel Museum T-shirt to prove it.
Click on the photo to get a larger size. 

And here are some of the names in Hebrew.
Pictures on this post are from the Israel Museum gift shop website.
It's fun to see what ideas they come up with  for T-shirts.
For more about the names, see Wikipedia.


  1. Wonderful !

    Please have a good Thursday.

  2. So many names for 1 city!
    We have only 3 and this is almost too much...

  3. I didn't know they were so many!

  4. I didn't know that Jerusalem had so many names!


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