Brown goats, brownish sheep, a brown shepherdess, and the brown Negev desert.
Yep, BROWN is today's November 1 theme for City Daily Photo group.
See what fellow bloggers found for the subject here.
Friday, November 1, 2019
Sunday, June 9, 2019
I Dieci Comandamenti
Happy Shavuot today!
It's the Jewish festival celebrating the giving of the Torah on Mt. Sinai (and also the grain harvest).
Just before my recent trip to Italy I bought this little Holy Land olive wood Tablets of the Covenant, in a Jerusalem church.
The Ten Commandments -- in Italian!
Chag sameach, happy holiday!
And to the Christian friends, happy Pentecost!
Same day.
More posts about the Ten Commandments are here:
More about Shavuot:
Happy Shavuot today!
It's the Jewish festival celebrating the giving of the Torah on Mt. Sinai (and also the grain harvest).
Just before my recent trip to Italy I bought this little Holy Land olive wood Tablets of the Covenant, in a Jerusalem church.
The Ten Commandments -- in Italian!
Chag sameach, happy holiday!
And to the Christian friends, happy Pentecost!
Same day.
More posts about the Ten Commandments are here:
More about Shavuot:
Saturday, June 1, 2019
A pink house
A pink house in Calabria, south Italy.
Taken quickly from our moving bus.
Yes, bella Italia! I am in a writing seminar on Memory and Heritage given by the University of Calabria's Italian Diaspora Studies.
My first time in this country and loving it!
PINK is the theme for June 1 for City Daily Photo group. See what other bloggers have come up with at the website.
A pink house in Calabria, south Italy.
Taken quickly from our moving bus.
Yes, bella Italia! I am in a writing seminar on Memory and Heritage given by the University of Calabria's Italian Diaspora Studies.
My first time in this country and loving it!
PINK is the theme for June 1 for City Daily Photo group. See what other bloggers have come up with at the website.
Friday, May 3, 2019
Anne Frank's memorial in the forest
In the final hour of daylight my town's touring group just made it to Ya'ar HaKedoshim, the Holocaust Martyrs Forest.
On the path leading to the new (2011) memorial to Anne Frank were signposts quoting her famous diary.
"The memorial is a sculpture created by designer Piet Cohen, and is the form of a room made of rusted steel. In the corner of the structure sits an uncomfortably high stool, from where the viewer can see an engraved image of the famed chestnut tree which Anne Frank wrote about so lovingly in her diary. The viewing experience is meant to recreate the feeling of imprisonment, isolation and discomfort while looking longingly through a window at the world outside." *
If you are ever in the Jerusalem Hills, look for this sign and follow it into the forest.
It is a moving experience.
* For very interesting details about the Anne Frank Memorial Park and about the Martyrs Forest with its six million trees, please see the Jewish National Fund/Keren Kayemet page
especially now, just a day after Yom Hashoah.
In the final hour of daylight my town's touring group just made it to Ya'ar HaKedoshim, the Holocaust Martyrs Forest.
On the path leading to the new (2011) memorial to Anne Frank were signposts quoting her famous diary.
"The memorial is a sculpture created by designer Piet Cohen, and is the form of a room made of rusted steel. In the corner of the structure sits an uncomfortably high stool, from where the viewer can see an engraved image of the famed chestnut tree which Anne Frank wrote about so lovingly in her diary. The viewing experience is meant to recreate the feeling of imprisonment, isolation and discomfort while looking longingly through a window at the world outside." *
If you are ever in the Jerusalem Hills, look for this sign and follow it into the forest.
It is a moving experience.
* For very interesting details about the Anne Frank Memorial Park and about the Martyrs Forest with its six million trees, please see the Jewish National Fund/Keren Kayemet page
especially now, just a day after Yom Hashoah.
Thursday, February 28, 2019
Stopping to smell the flowers
On our monthly outing last week part of the group got out of the bus and walked into a meadow to marvel at the glorious blooming wildflowers and to hear guide Dudu explain.
Everything was so green and wet from the blessedly rainy winter Israel is finally having!
This was at Ramot Menashe, the plateau between the Carmel mountain range and the Jezreel Valley, toward the country's north.
GREEN is the topic for City Daily Photo bloggers theme day. Take a look.
Bloggers in other countries may take green fields for granted, but Israelis get really excited to see this temporary color in winter, before the long hot dry season turns things brown.
On our monthly outing last week part of the group got out of the bus and walked into a meadow to marvel at the glorious blooming wildflowers and to hear guide Dudu explain.
Everything was so green and wet from the blessedly rainy winter Israel is finally having!
This was at Ramot Menashe, the plateau between the Carmel mountain range and the Jezreel Valley, toward the country's north.
GREEN is the topic for City Daily Photo bloggers theme day. Take a look.
Bloggers in other countries may take green fields for granted, but Israelis get really excited to see this temporary color in winter, before the long hot dry season turns things brown.
Saturday, December 29, 2018
Beware of butcher birds
You know you're not in Israel when the only potential danger from above is a BUTCHER BIRD attack!
I saw this sign while walking my granddog in our leafy northern suburb of Sydney; I didn't know whether to laugh or run!
(I came to Australia in November to see the grandchildren and now I am housesitting for them until late January while my daughter and their family tour America.)
A little research came up with this:
You know you're not in Israel when the only potential danger from above is a BUTCHER BIRD attack!
I saw this sign while walking my granddog in our leafy northern suburb of Sydney; I didn't know whether to laugh or run!
(I came to Australia in November to see the grandchildren and now I am housesitting for them until late January while my daughter and their family tour America.)
A little research came up with this:
Called butchers because they hang their meat: "Grey Butcherbirds are aggressive predators. They prey on small animals, including birds, lizards and insects .... Uneaten food may be stored in the fork or a branch or impaled." and "Butcherbirds get their name from their habit of hanging captured prey on a hook or in a tree fork, or crevice. This 'larder' is used to support the victim while it is being eaten, to store several victims or to attract mates."Happy new year 2019 to you all!
Another source says "With its lovely, lilting song, the Grey Butcherbird may not seem to be a particularly intimidating species. However, with its strong, hooked beak and its fierce stare, the Grey Butcherbird is not a bird to be messed with. When a nest or newly fledged chick is around, if you venture too close, a butcherbird will swoop by flying straight at your face, sometimes striking with enough force to draw blood, and each swoop is accompanied by a loud, maniacal cackle."Another source says "With its lovely, lilting song, the Grey Butcherbird may not seem to be a particularly intimidating species. However, with its strong, hooked beak and its fierce stare, the Grey Butcherbird is not a bird to be messed with. When a nest or newly fledged chick is around, if you venture too close, a butcherbird will swoop by flying straight at your face, sometimes striking with enough force to draw blood, and each swoop is accompanied by a loud, maniacal cackle."
Tuesday, December 25, 2018
Wreath time in Australia
You know you're not in Israel when your Jewish grandson comes home with a Christmas wreath.
:) Eyal's 5th grade class here in Australia made wreaths this December.
From coat hangers and cut up garbage bags!
Eyal chose fragrant yellow ones for his wreath.
Libby and Billy the Cavoodle enjoyed having their first-ever wreath.
Merry Christmas to all our Christian friends!
You know you're not in Israel when your Jewish grandson comes home with a Christmas wreath.

From coat hangers and cut up garbage bags!
Eyal chose fragrant yellow ones for his wreath.
Libby and Billy the Cavoodle enjoyed having their first-ever wreath.
Merry Christmas to all our Christian friends!
Sunday, December 9, 2018
All 8 candles
Happy 8th and last night of Chanuka!
Grandkids Eyal and Libby lit the eight candles.
I am spending a few months with my daughter, son-in-law, and three grandchildren down in Australia, in their home just north of Sydney.
Whether you are doing Chanuka or Advent right now, I wish you all a happy holiday season.
Happy 8th and last night of Chanuka!
Grandkids Eyal and Libby lit the eight candles.
I am spending a few months with my daughter, son-in-law, and three grandchildren down in Australia, in their home just north of Sydney.
Whether you are doing Chanuka or Advent right now, I wish you all a happy holiday season.
Tuesday, October 30, 2018
Exercising the right to vote
I was happy to vote today!
Israel had municipal elections and it was a yom shabbaton, a day off from work and school.
Two of our town's schools had polling places for the roughly 6,500 residents old enough to vote.
It was a festive atmosphere in Meitar, with folks walking in, stopping to chat, and smiling at one another.
And music and booths just outside the schools' gates.
It happens every five years.
Democracy in action.
May the best man win!
I was happy to vote today!
Israel had municipal elections and it was a yom shabbaton, a day off from work and school.
Two of our town's schools had polling places for the roughly 6,500 residents old enough to vote.
It was a festive atmosphere in Meitar, with folks walking in, stopping to chat, and smiling at one another.
And music and booths just outside the schools' gates.
It happens every five years.
Democracy in action.
May the best man win!
Sunday, September 30, 2018
Change for the pushke
Almost full!
Quite some time ago our town's Chabad rabbi gave me this pushke.
It was empty then.
Rabbi Shneor's hope was that I would put in some loose change every day--not because he needed the money for Chabad House, but because he wanted me to learn the habit of giving tsdakah every day.
Tsdakah in Hebrew means justice or righteousness but is often translated (for want of a better English equivalent) as "charity."
Today's Theme Day subject at City Daily Blog is CHANGE and I decided to go with coins as change. But to see how other bloggers did it, see
http://cdpbthemeday.blogspot.com/ .
To read about the uniquely Jewish perspective on charity, please see
Almost full!
Quite some time ago our town's Chabad rabbi gave me this pushke.
It was empty then.
Rabbi Shneor's hope was that I would put in some loose change every day--not because he needed the money for Chabad House, but because he wanted me to learn the habit of giving tsdakah every day.
Tsdakah in Hebrew means justice or righteousness but is often translated (for want of a better English equivalent) as "charity."
Today's Theme Day subject at City Daily Blog is CHANGE and I decided to go with coins as change. But to see how other bloggers did it, see
http://cdpbthemeday.blogspot.com/ .
To read about the uniquely Jewish perspective on charity, please see
Tuesday, September 18, 2018
The Book of Life is still open
Just before I shut down the computer for the next 26 hours of Yom Kippur, let me wish you a gmar chatima tova.
May you be written and sealed in God's Book of Life for a good new year of life!
For more Day of Atonement posts please see
Thursday, September 13, 2018
Fun in the park
Fun at the big annual AACI Association of Americans and Canadians in Israel picnic at a Beer Sheva park.
Fun at the big annual AACI Association of Americans and Canadians in Israel picnic at a Beer Sheva park.
Monday, September 10, 2018
The honey tower
Happy new year, everyone!
May the year that begins today, 5779 AM (Anno Mundi, "since the creation of the world"), be a good and sweet one for you.
Tradition calls for dipping apple slices in honey at the Rosh Hashanah dinner table.
Yesterday a friend gave me this strange gift--an Eiffel Tower full of honey made by the bees of Kfar Chabad in Israel!
If you'd prefer some serious thoughts about the holiday, please take a look at my previous posts at
Happy new year, everyone!
May the year that begins today, 5779 AM (Anno Mundi, "since the creation of the world"), be a good and sweet one for you.
Tradition calls for dipping apple slices in honey at the Rosh Hashanah dinner table.
Yesterday a friend gave me this strange gift--an Eiffel Tower full of honey made by the bees of Kfar Chabad in Israel!
If you'd prefer some serious thoughts about the holiday, please take a look at my previous posts at
Saturday, September 1, 2018
Torah was given to teach us.
And today's City Daily Photo Theme Day's focus is TEACH.
Pirkei Avot 4:15 in the Talmud says
as you have blessed and strengthened your student.
Torah was given to teach us.
And today's City Daily Photo Theme Day's focus is TEACH.
Pirkei Avot 4:15 in the Talmud says
Rabbi Elazar ben Shamua taught: "The dignity of your students should be as precious to you as your own. The dignity of your colleagues should be as precious to you as your reverence for your teacher. The reverence for your teacher should be as great as your reverence for God."And the daily prayer Kaddish dRabbanan blesses our teachers:
"May you be blessed and strengthened
as you have blessed and strengthened your student.
May you have peace, grace, kindness, mercy, long life and
everything you need."
Good luck to the 2,310,000 pupils in Israel who start the new school year tomorrow, Sunday, Sept. 2.
And blessings to their teachers!
And blessings to their teachers!
Thursday, August 23, 2018
Sheep, then and now
These sheep are most likely on the table now during this week of Id il Adha, the Muslim Festival of Sacrifice.
Click to enlarge the photo. See a lone goat going in the wrong direction? :)
We saw them in April crossing a road just northwest of my town in the Negev.
A friend and I were driving home parallel to the security wall.
On the other side is the West Bank.
Id mubarak, wishing a blessed and happy holiday to the Palestinians across the way and to our Bedouin neighbors here in the Negev.
These sheep are most likely on the table now during this week of Id il Adha, the Muslim Festival of Sacrifice.
Click to enlarge the photo. See a lone goat going in the wrong direction? :)
We saw them in April crossing a road just northwest of my town in the Negev.
A friend and I were driving home parallel to the security wall.
On the other side is the West Bank.
Id mubarak, wishing a blessed and happy holiday to the Palestinians across the way and to our Bedouin neighbors here in the Negev.
Wednesday, August 15, 2018
New Domino's Pizza scooters
Brand new, still partly wrapped additions to the Domino's fleet in Beer Sheva!
Soon they will get their blue boxes mounted on the back to keep your pizza hot en route.
Saturday, August 11, 2018
Beer Sheva billboard work in progress
Don't you love to watch guys tearing down the old ads and putting up new ones?!
I almost never pay attention to billboards (maybe because I never buy or need anything), but I do enjoy observing the low-tech old-fashioned work that goes into them.
Even if we consider roadside billboards like this one in Beer Sheva to be "visual pollution" we can still appreciate the men who work on tall ladders in the hot desert sun to keep them maintained and up-to-date.
And yes, Israel does have many digital billboards, but they lack this human touch.
Don't you love to watch guys tearing down the old ads and putting up new ones?!
I almost never pay attention to billboards (maybe because I never buy or need anything), but I do enjoy observing the low-tech old-fashioned work that goes into them.
Even if we consider roadside billboards like this one in Beer Sheva to be "visual pollution" we can still appreciate the men who work on tall ladders in the hot desert sun to keep them maintained and up-to-date.
And yes, Israel does have many digital billboards, but they lack this human touch.
Wednesday, August 8, 2018
The cat with only one ear
Happy International Cat Day to this wary one-eared long-tailed cat.
I locked glances with him outside a Beer Sheva restaurant.
Dear readers, I'm sorry for the long time since my last post.
Guess it was a combination of sudden busy-ness, procrastination, long hot summer laziness, and bloggers block. I'll try to do better now.
Happy August to you.
Happy International Cat Day to this wary one-eared long-tailed cat.
I locked glances with him outside a Beer Sheva restaurant.
Dear readers, I'm sorry for the long time since my last post.
Guess it was a combination of sudden busy-ness, procrastination, long hot summer laziness, and bloggers block. I'll try to do better now.
Happy August to you.
Tuesday, July 3, 2018
The Great Spirit's gift to us
SPIRIT is the City Daily Photo group's theme day topic.
This disintegrating trunk of a burnt tree on a white boulder reminds me, in a reverse sort of way, what I read years ago concerning the Great Spirit.
Tatanga Mani, a Stoney Indian, said on page 106 of Touch the Earth: A Self Portrait of Indian Existence by T.C. McLuhan this wisdom:
SPIRIT is the City Daily Photo group's theme day topic.
This disintegrating trunk of a burnt tree on a white boulder reminds me, in a reverse sort of way, what I read years ago concerning the Great Spirit.
Tatanga Mani, a Stoney Indian, said on page 106 of Touch the Earth: A Self Portrait of Indian Existence by T.C. McLuhan this wisdom:
You know, if you take all your books, lay them out under the sun, and let the snow and rain and insects work on them for a while, there will be nothing left. But the Great Spirit has provided you and me with an opportunity for study in nature's university, the forests, the rivers, the mountains, and the animals which include us..
Saturday, June 30, 2018
Red roses in the green vineyards
Roses planted in a vineyard??
If you are from rural Italy or France or California you probably know about this tradition.
But it was news to me when our tour guide pointed it out on June 12, just as the scene was quickly disappearing from the bus window.
We were traveling through the Jerusalem Hills, west of Jerusalem.
He explained the roses as an early warning system.
Roses are more susceptible to the same type of fungal disease (e.g. powdery mildew and downy mildew) than the grapevine.
So if there are signs of trouble on the roses the farmer knows that action needs to be taken soon or the grapevines will be infected next.
I later read on a European website:
Roses planted in a vineyard??
If you are from rural Italy or France or California you probably know about this tradition.
But it was news to me when our tour guide pointed it out on June 12, just as the scene was quickly disappearing from the bus window.
We were traveling through the Jerusalem Hills, west of Jerusalem.
He explained the roses as an early warning system.
Roses are more susceptible to the same type of fungal disease (e.g. powdery mildew and downy mildew) than the grapevine.
So if there are signs of trouble on the roses the farmer knows that action needs to be taken soon or the grapevines will be infected next.
I later read on a European website:
Another reason I have heard is that in addition to being a ‘canary’ when the vines were worked with draft horses or oxen, roses encouraged them to turn properly at the end of the rows because of their thorns, ensuring that the working animals weren’t tempted to cut a corner and damage the last vine.Or this from Australia:
". . . many a vineyard manager would smile at this quaint romantic notion. Their job is more sophisticated than watching the roses bloom. In these days of modern technology roses are planted at the rows end for purely cosmetic reasons, but don't let that spoil another great story...UPDATE: See more in the Comments section about the "pit ponies," the horses, mules, and ponies which worked in the dark coal mines of many countries for more than two centuries.
Some time ago in the Hunter Valley in New South Wales I quizzed one of the “old timers” in the area about the same issue. His response left me wondering whether or not he was “having a lend of me”.In the early days of grape growing, before any mechanisation, the vineyard work was completed using horses and horse pulled equipment. The best source of strong “draught horses” were the local coalmines where any pulling work involved horses.Sadly the distance underground was so far that the horses used were stabled in areas deep underground and, while they were very well cared for, their eyesight eventually became a casualty of the environment. The period horses were kept underground was mercifully short but permanent damage to their vision occurred. As the horses were “traded out” the local farmers and grape growers sought to utilise their great strength and stamina, particularly working with ploughs in vineyards where the rows were quite narrow.
Now the reason for the roses at the ends of the rows, as explained by this particular veteran, was to let the ‘blind’ horses know when they reached the end and it was time to turn. Roses in the Hunter Valley constantly bloom almost all year. I was never able to convince myself either way with his story; Australians can be very straight-faced when “spinning a yarn”. I will leave it up to you to decide."
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