Sunday, March 22, 2009

World Water Day in the village

World Water Day never seemed so important as this year. Israel, like so many countries, is facing a huge water shortage due to continuing drought.

So I was happy to discover that a couple in our village, just two terraces down the hill, took matters into their own hands. Whenever it did rain, the water used to go streaming down the road above their little house. With a simple method and inexpensive materials they built a channel to divert much of the water down into a tank. Now they can water their vegetable garden for free and with the good feeling that they are harnessing nature's resources.


  1. It's brilliant! I wish I had known today was world water day. I'm glad to report we had some rain this morning in Pasadena.

  2. Interesting to hear about this initiative. Most people in this part of the world have no idea at all how valuable water is and they use it without thinking how lucky we are to have it available at any time.

  3. Hi Dina and thanks for visiting.Great photos. I enjoyed them all. Although it is not very severe, we also have a water shortage problem in Greece. In some far away villages people don't even have tap water for their everyday needs.

  4. That sounds like a *slap forehead* 'why didn't I think of that' moment. very clever!

  5. What a terrific idea! I'm still keeping my eyes open for somebody who might be selling a rain barrel here in Hawaii.


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