Friday, December 16, 2011

Fire and water don't mix ?

The candles at the organic raw food center look simple enough,

but the water in the vase does strange things to the reflected flames.

Enlarge the picture and try to figure out what's what.

A puzzle for Weekend Reflections meme.


  1. Sorry, but I was more interested in all the food on the table, looked so good.. seem to have forgotten to eat a couple of days :-)
    I do not know the answer..

    Happy evening Dina!

  2. Great capture, Dinah! Funny to see the mix between water and fire.But like Spiderdama, I noticed the food too, it looks delicious! :o)

  3. Well, contrary to the common belief...
    Looks very inviting, raw or not raw.

  4. Great reflections, and that food does look yummy!

  5. That does look very interesting, Dina. Great observation!

  6. I'd like some of the veggies in the fresh! I counted 4 actual small candles...reflected in the vase I counted 5 flames with a possible 6th! Beautiful reflection capture!

  7. Delicious food and lovely reflections, Dina!

  8. Once your photo is enlarged, one sees the mystery in it.

  9. I was distracted by the food!

  10. Pretty reflections, but I'm really intrigued by the rosemary floating in the vase, like a surreal floating forest of sorts...

    My photography is available for purchase - visit Around the Island Photography on etsy and Society6 and bring home something beautiful today!

  11. isn't the whole "raw food" phenomena a California thing? We do have our share of food cultist


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