Friday, December 6, 2013

Goodbye John, hello Francis


Meanwhile, back in the Jerusalem Hills for a weekend visit, I discovered a new painting  had been added to the church at St. John of the Desert  Franciscan convent.*
The protective shield made it hard to get a good shot; on the other hand, it was good for Weekend Reflections.
Apparently it was necessary because pilgrims would kiss the icon and leave lipstick marks (or so I was told).  

I guess the resident hermit monk who painted it thought that the only red St. Francis needed on him was his stigmata on hands and side.

The older painting it replaced was quite unusual in that it showed John the Baptist holding a scroll written in Hebrew ("Behold the Lamb of God . . . "). 
You don't see much Hebrew on church walls.
*Franciscans in Israel use the word convent not necessarily to refer to a women's religious community, but rather to differentiate it from a monastery.
Monks or nuns in a monastery live a more secluded life, while those in a convent [think "convention"]  are more apostolic and can work outside the walls.
(Linking to Whimsical Windows, Delirious Doors.)


  1. Lipstick marks? What kind of pilgrims visit this place?

  2. I really like that painting no 2. and so the great glass windows.. and bench. Lovely spot Dina, thank you for showing me:-)

  3. The church at St. John of the Desert Franciscan convent now has a lovely painting that looks a bit like the old Russian icons - frontal, stylised, contemplative.

  4. thanks for sharing your visit with us!

  5. Beautiful shots. The sanctuary looks peaceful.

  6. You know me, I'm not exactly reverent. But you don't leave lipstick marks on art of any kind.

  7. Very nice church, with a decor that we are not used to in France... The reflection you published in first is so amazing !

  8. I like the top picture especially - the reflection of the arched windows on the arched shaped picture itself is very cool! The glass to ward off any lipstick is pretty forward thinking...

  9. As always, you've provided us with both lots of interesting information and a good laugh - thanks! And I love that stained glass window, so pretty! Have a great week (enjoy the snow?)!


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