Friday, December 27, 2013

Small protection


This is the makeshift bomb shelter in the small Negev Zoo on the outskirts of Beer Sheva. 
Painted in Hebrew is "merchav mugan," meaning protected space.

If you hear the Code Red  siren go off, make a run for it, fast. 

Several rockets have been fired into southern Israel from Gaza in the last two days. 


  1. What a nightmare :( I thought/hoped the rockets from Gaza and the murder of Jewish civilians had ended.

    My elderly aunt was evacuated from her old age home in Sederot to prevent terrorist massacres.. but that was a few years ago now (2008 ish)

  2. Oh gracious! That won't fit many people. I sure hope it works. Stay safe, dear friend.

  3. It is so disturbing to see this. It really troubles «Louis» that the wonderful people of Israel must live like this.

  4. It may be disturbing, but it is obviously a good idea.

  5. Ugh.. As usual, nothing about rockets in mainstream media here, only if it gets a response..
    Stay safe Dina!

  6. Not much space, but one hopes it's not needed that long...


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