Thursday, August 6, 2015

A mountaintop view


The view from the top of Mount Tabor.

Happy Feast of the Transfiguration to all who celebrate it today.

My posts explaining the day, the event, and the place are waiting for you here.  Welcome.

A video of local Christians camping on Mt. Tabor and making merry on the eve of the feast day.
A brief video about Mt. Tabor
(Linking to SkyWatch Friday.)


  1. We should remember Hiroshima today.

  2. "mia more," I do remember Hiroshima today, but this is a photo blog about Israel and I have no photos of my own of Japan.

  3. Sorry , you are right.

  4. /the Mount Tabor is amazing . Thanks from sharing. Love from Poland

  5. Mia, we are a bit sensitive about the subject right now; we are praying that Tel Aviv will not be the next Hiroshima.

    Gosia, shalom to you in Poland and thanks for your so informative blog.

  6. Wow! What a magnificent view!

  7. What a view! I only passed by during a trip to Tiberias...

  8. Friends, glad you like the expansive view.

    VP, yeah, I know, most people only just pass by Mt. Tabor on the way to somewhere else. It is a long way up.

  9. Beautiful views from this historical place, Dina !

  10. Certainly looks like it's worth the exertion to get to the summit.

  11. that's a nice pictures that you have posted! I liked the second picture...the trees do point to specific location of Israel or Lebanon. Do you know which tree are these?

  12. Shalom Jaipurthru mylens. If I enlarge the photos with two clicks, it seems like the trees might be oaks. In fact there is a kind of tree named Mt. Tabor Oak. See

  13. Todah rabah, Dina, for the views and the posts. It revived some memories of a visit there oh so many years ago. Which I did not have photos of from back then and was trying to resurrect (no pun intended) from my old brain. ;-) And Shabbat Shalom to you! Sara

  14. Beautiful, your photos make a person feel like they are standing right beside you. Dina


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