Saturday, November 8, 2008

Old City cats

Here's a sampling of cats I encountered on a guided tour in Jerusalem's Old City last week.

These are the well-cared-for cats inside and outside a home in the Jewish Quarter.
But mostly the Old City has street cats, and LOTS of them.

We humans have to walk through a metal detector and have our bags X-rayed before entering the Western Wall Plaza, but this kitty just slipped through.
Scavenger cats under the restaurant tables in search of a fallen morsel.

(Animals on several continents are appearing at the weekly Camera-Critter Sunday.)


  1. Thanks for the Jerusalem kitty photos. I'm a sucker for cats and would have many if I could adequately care for them. The three I have are a handful, sometimes.

  2. We have far too many feral cats here too...I had to come and catch up Dina..Interesting as always...

  3. That's a lot of cats. We have our share of strays around here, too.

  4. Great shots and what an interesting blog you have here! I was lucky enough to visit Jerusalem, but it was a very long time ago.

  5. That's a lotta kitties!

    I played too :)

  6. It is interesting because I don't typically see cats in this type of scenerio. Nice shots of them all.

  7. The first image could say 'I want to come in, I want to come out.'
    I love cats; but are they not a nuisance?

  8. Thank you for all your photos of Jerusalem, Dina. They really give a wonderful flavor to your country. I feel like I could go there and feel almost right at home.

  9. Great cat pictures! People love cats everywhere! That's such a great thing. Of course, the feral cat population could do with a little spay-control. :-)

  10. I enjoy visiting your blog! I think stray cats are a problem everywhere unfortunately. I know they are here!

  11. Nice pictures but also enjoyed your pics of people in the old city.

  12. The top cat photo is definitely my fave.

    Well, we do have a lot of feral cats too in Bandung, Dina.

    Just out of curiosity: Are there any religious teachings in Judaism or in the Torah that relates to respecting cats?

  13. Hehehehe - you mean that kitty didn't have to have its baggage checked? ahahahaha neat post.

  14. Enjoyed reading and looking at your post.

  15. Thank you for this series of pictures from the Old City. Felt I was back there - have seen most of the scenes you show us.
    It touches me deep down!

  16. Thanks for sharing.

    I have two entries for CC this week!

    All dogs, all the time! (don't tell the cats)

  17. Darn that is just the cutest with the kitties sitting on the window sills

  18. we have plenty of ferals, but i prefer them to dogs. cats are more my kind of animal - independent, sassy...

  19. Awesome photos, I like the second one best.

  20. Lovely so many cats, and yet who takes care of them? They need medical treatment if one would avoid an explosion of a growing cat population. I saw it in Spain and in Rome.

  21. I love this post, Dina. We have ours in little provincial towns. I've done twice post with them, I can't help taking picture when I see one.

    I've just seen a battle in front or inside the Saint Sepulchre! between Armenian priests and Orthodox ones! I couldn't believe this video on our TV news! After what I told you in my previous comment on your trip in the Old City! I think people behaviour is unpredictable! As well as my comment, by necessity.

  22. Great pics of the street cats. I wish they all could have homes :(

    Thanks so much for stopping by!

  23. Guided cat tour! ;) Lovely!
    Cheers, Klaus

  24. "We humans have to walk through a metal detector and have our bags X-rayed before entering the Western Wall Plaza, but this kitty just slipped through.">>> this made me smile. nice humor!

  25. Poor little street cats. I hate to see animals having to beg for food or search for fallen scraps.

  26. I'm sorry the kitties have to scavenge. I imagine they get pretty good at it, though.


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