Sunday, December 6, 2009


Latin: com- means "with" and pān(is) means "bread."
So literally, COMPANIONS are those with whom we break bread.
A blessed second Sunday of Advent to all my Christian friends.


  1. Thanks for the comments on my blog. Wish you a brilliant second Sunday of Advent!:-)

  2. Spiderdama shalom. Being Jewish, I don't observe Advent and Christmas; but "some of my best friends," being Christian, do. And this blog is for people of all faiths, or none.
    So glad you had fun climbing cliffs all over Israel. Your photos are terrific!

  3. Hi Dina, you are such a great person to think of the holidays for other religions. You know so much about them. I think that Christmas is holiday especially for the cold northern hemisphere, where everybody is longing for the light returning. We celebrate symbolically the Birth of the Light in the person of Jesus. The Celts and Vikings had also their feasts of the returning light. And the Hindus have their festivity of light. Most important is that we all share our light. Be de-LIGHT-ful and have a great week!

  4. Thank you Dina, Interesting about companion! Beautiful Advent wreath.

  5. Never thought about the origin of companion before. I can't wait to share that thought.

    Glad you liked "Why did the chicken cross the road?" Sometimes I'm a little too serious, so I was proud of that post.

    Moravian star posted today, if you are interested. I like your comment "for people of all faiths, or none." That's how I feel about Sacred Sunday.

    Now, time for me to get back and see what I've missed on your blog!! Shalom....

  6. Thanks for the Advent wishes, Dina! Check out my Advent photo today. I've given your blog address to some other Jewish friends - hope they visit your blog!

  7. Thank you Dina your blog is a blessing to us Christian.

  8. I always learn something on your blog.

    There is something spiritual about sharing a meal with somebody.

  9. You are generous, Dina.

    And as we were speaking of hats today, J. says he likes yours.

  10. Thank you for the blessed wish. Now

    a nightshirt doesn't have a bottom in it does it?

  11. Now that is quite interesting to know. I took Latin and don't remember much at all. I love how you've ALWAYS been so open and respectful of the beliefs of everyone in the world. You really are fabulous, Dina!

  12. peace be with you Dina.

  13. Thanks guys, y'all are very generous with kind words.

  14. Thanks for the word study, Dina. I love knowing about words...

  15. thanx for sharing, reading ur blog help me learn something new!
    ciao, Luis

  16. I also wish you a blessed advent time, dear Dina!

  17. Dina, many thanks for the Advent wishes!
    Tomorrow we have the very important feast of the Immaculate Conception.

  18. Thanks, Dina. I'm trying to catch up...the story of my life.

    I appreciate your photo and words because I often feel like you and I have broken bread....even across continents, traditions and religion. Shalom.


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