Sunday, December 20, 2009

More "improvements"

Like it's not enough that the Jerusalem Municipality has been tearing up our streets for years to build tracks for the light rail. Now they are tearing up Omar Ibn Khatib Square too!

This is what I found at noon today just inside the Jaffa Gate.
Jaffa Gate is, or was, a main entrance into the Old City for vehicles and people.

When I left the Old City at 4:00, the paving stones were already wrapped and strapped on pallets and being loaded onto a truck.

There goes the truck out of Jaffa Gate.
They plan to improve the square's infrastructure, add street furniture, etc., working 24 hours a day for the next 18 months. The Municipality's flyer on the project is here if you want details.
Hmm, maybe I should apply for work at the preliminary archaeological dig that will surely start soon . . . .


  1. We had road construction all summer long and the main Hwy 35W is still a work in progress in Minneapolis - I know the frustration!

  2. What are they doing?

  3. «Louis» is commenting without really knowing much about the situation, but he wonders if they couldn't have steered the light rail clear of those historic stones...

  4. Oh dear! Oh No! What are they thinking?

  5. Of course! And you can document it for us.

  6. In the third picture, the sky is really amazing.

  7. Indeed, a shame. At least they're keeping the paving stones for re-use.

    I think you should apply to work on the dig. We all benefit when you do.

  8. Shalom friends. No, the tram will not go into the Old City. No room, thankfully. But the Square needs some infrastructure repair and refurbishment, apparently. Look at the flyer in the link, it is short but interesting.

  9. Just keep reminding yourself that it will be worth it when it's done. Someday.

  10. It looks like these constructions never planned beforehand and goes on forever. I always feel like somebody makes good money out of these...

  11. I still find it amazing that every civic dig has to be preceded by an archeological one. Did the workers have to number the paving stones so they can put them back in exactly the same place?

  12. It sounds like a very ambitious project.

  13. I hope it's going to make that part of the city better. I hope none of the old heritage is destroyed. It's what makes a city like Jerussalem charming, I think.

  14. The Jaffa Gate looks truly impressive on the last shot. Wonderful photo indeed! This kind of street works make such a mess, hope they will end soon. Lisbon allways has old areas looking like this...

  15. Where are those precious stones going I wonder.....

  16. We're going to have our own problems here when they start our light rail project. I think the convenience will be great eventually but for now... we'll see.


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