Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Yoni and the yad

Y is for Yoni this ABC Wednesday.
Yonatan, also known as Jonathan, is a dear relative who became a bar mitsvah on December 24.
Here he is trying on his beautiful new tallit (prayer shawl).

Rabbi Konstantyn of the Tel Aviv International Synagogue Congregation Beth El made us promise not to take pictures during the bar mitsvah ceremony because it was to be on the Sabbath day.

So we, just a few family members, went to the empty synagogue on the Thursday before, when photography IS permitted, and I asked Yoni to pretend he was reading from the Torah scroll.

He did well (but couldn't hold back a smile).
He is pretending to hold the yad, the silver pointer used to keep one's place when chanting the Torah portion.
Mazal tov, Yoni!


  1. Nice portraits with an amusing story... It happens quite often for wedding and other ceremonies!

  2. Congratulations, Yoni! Hard work pays off.

  3. love it being ,,naughty ,, ..can imagine .. ..

  4. Oops, I spelled it wrong. Mazal tov!!

  5. Mazal tov, Yoni! Fun to see him in this special, important ceremony! Bravo!

    Dina - please take a look at my Brazilian friend's new CDP blog:
    Laranjeiras do Sul daily photo

  6. mazel tov, indeed!
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  7. yad or yod, matters not;
    A beautiful young man starting out in life. All the best to him! L'chaim!

    Aloha from Waikiki
    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >

  8. Is he not also wearing a Yarmulke?

    You all must feel so proud to witness this important ceremony.

  9. Thanks, friends.

    Oakland DP, oh yes, you're right! Thanks. I forgot that one. I guess because modern Jews call it by the Hebrew name, kippah, and not so much by the old Yiddish work yarmulke.

  10. He looks like a very proud young man. Mazal tov to Yoni and to all of your family!

    My photography is available for purchase - visit Around the Island Photography on etsy and Society6 and bring home something beautiful today!

  11. Indeed, Mazal Tov Yoni! Wishing you an excellent life!

  12. Mazal tov, have a good and full life.

  13. Very nice pictures and grats to Yoni!

  14. Beautiful, Dina! Remember when the girls were taking violin lessons and you told me that Yonatan was the Hebrew song for the melody Lightly Row. My Jonathan thought that was so cool.


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