Friday, July 20, 2012

Face to face

This neat thing at the Science Museum makes kids ask, "So do I look like my Mom?"

My daughter Naomi got her son Eyal to sit opposite her and the mirror board merged their faces.

When my turn came to confront the cut-out mirror, all three kids had already run off to the next hands-on exhibit.
So I got to take a quiet picture for Weekend Reflections.
Hope you like it.


  1. Cool thing! I think my kids have something like that on iPad, as they love to play with.

  2. You have certainly enjoyed your family's company! Isn't it great to have them around? I am so sorry I have to leave next Monday. Anyway Shabbat shalom!

  3. Nice mirror but not for the stepmother of snow white

  4. Even glass lies and does not reveal the truth.

  5. It would be interesting to try!

  6. Cool sliced-up mirror! You are fortunate to have your grands nearby for an extended time. Ours all live 8 hours away from us by car.

  7. This is so interesting. I hope you did it with Naomi. The great puzzle in our family has always been that both sides of the family think Tiffany takes after their side. With Jon, nobody thinks he looks like their side of the family. And then... Tif and Jon totally don't look like each other. We can't figure them out.


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