Friday, January 16, 2015

Manure biowaste management & reuse


A biowaste digester!
Yes.  And it stands in the lobby of a beautiful building. 

It's in the ZIWR, the Zuckerberg Institute for Water Research,  which is part of the  Jacob Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research at the Sede Boqer Campus of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.

To learn more about what they research, see their website or this 5-minute video.
The video has impressive aerial views of the nice building and of the surrounding wilderness.


  1. Hah! I have a double-bellied compost system down the back of my garden. It produces 7 household-bucket's full of compost every month. I have enough to be self-sufficient in fertiliser for both the front garden (veggies) and the back garden (flowers).

  2. This looks like the Cloaca at the Museum of Old and New Art.

  3. That was interesting reading Dina.. We have very strict water restrictions here in Perth, but things are not nearly as desperate as there.

  4. Very interesting and useful!

  5. In perfect view for all to see? But why? Showing off? I compost too, but it's in the back of the garden not in the living room. Weird. I'm missing something, I bet.

  6. Fascinating "5 mn video". Thank you Dina!

  7. Well at least some good is made of it!

  8. Art would highly approve I'm sure since he worked for the U.S. E.P.A.


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