Monday, August 4, 2008

A crane's tiny but essential load

. Part of the fun of my current dig is watching the crane next to us building a tall apartment complex. But this afternoon I saw the crane lower its heavy chains right in the middle of the construction company's container-offices across the street. Someone filled up the two plastic bottles with cold water and the crane operator raised them. If you click on the photo you can see the bottles dangling.

  Then the brave and thirsty man climbed out of his cabin and reached out to pull the bottles in. All this about twelve stories up.


  1. I imagine keeping hydrated is very important in a hot, dry area. When we were in Egypt, they insisted we carry a bottle of water with us all the time. Must have been fun to get a water by crane delivery.

  2. Toooo high up for me..But thank you for sharing Dina...LOL..

  3. Timing is everything! What a visual experience you had and I tip my hat to ingenuity and compassion.
    Stop by when you can, I have something for you.
    In the meantime, have a great week!

  4. Great shot. Not a cloud in the that beautiful blue sky. Make sure you drink plenty of water and protect yourself from the sun as much as possible. How do you do that? Sounds like you are enjoying yourself.

  5. we cannot do without water, but I do wish there wasn't so much of it dropping from the sky outside my window right now.

  6. Love your site, Dina. Pop on over to my Corsicana Daily Photo blog tomorrow to pick up an award, please!
    I'll be back often to see what you've discovered at your new dig!

  7. They get so brave on those things. I think they're crazy!

  8. I have no head for heights and even admiring this sight is giving me vertigo. I'm with Gerald a little less water this way taht could be passed on to other areas in need would be most welcome.

  9. "Louis" posted a crane, too! :-)

    No water bottles in "Louis's" shot, however....

  10. You have a nice photo blog. Thanks for your nice photos of Jerusalem, Dina.

  11. just finished looking at all your posts I missed the past week! wonderful!
    I am so impressed you can be still and dig under those cranes!

  12. Very neat way to draw water to you!

  13. What a huge piece of equipment!


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