Friday, July 10, 2009

Shabbat shalom

Dark Paths
"He could have placed streetlamps along all the pathways of wisdom, but then there would be no journey. Who would discover the secret passages, the hidden treasures, if all of us homed in straight for our destination?"
From the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Schneerson, of righteous memory; rendered by Tzvi Freeman.


  1. Beautiful presentation Dina.
    Again there is always something exalting going on around here.


    I love to celebrate this part of the hebrew faith even though I am not jewish. It is abeautiful prayer to light a candle and think of all we have to be grateful for..

    hey where is my candle....before I step out....renewed
    thanks for the reminder.

    I hope my statement isn't coming in the mail. ha ha. just had to think of something not funny to say.

  2. Indeed, Dina, experience brings wisdom - love the quote from Rabbi Schneerson.

    Thanks for sharing RuneE's Benches on Friday event. I have some more benches to share so I'll have to incorporate Skywatch Friday and benches. That could be a fun challenge.

    Please forgive my delay in responding to comments and emails. I've been under the weather...but am on my way back!

  3. Food for thought. And lovely photo.

  4. «Louis» always appreciates your Friday posts, Dina!

  5. This is beautiful. Often times it's the twists and turns that might even show us a better direction.

  6. Dina, the picture is charming and the words of Rabbi Schneerson are really great.

  7. A perfect presentation, Dina!! Shabbat Shalom.

  8. "He could have placed streetlamps along all the pathways of wisdom"

    What a beautiful expression:"The pathways of wisdom" I had to read and reread this sentence to understand the very meaning of it. Wisdom is not achieved easily.


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