Sunday, January 9, 2011

Break and cast away [not!]

Bridge of Chords, Jerusalem
1 Why are the nations in an uproar? And why do the peoples mutter in vain?
2 The kings of the earth stand up, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against His anointed [saying]:
3 "Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us."
The verses from Psalm 2 are contributed to Robert's new PsalmsChallenge meme at Daily Athens and our Calatrava bridge (long may it stand!) is for Louis la Vache's "Sunday Bridges."


  1. This is great Dina! Fits well to the vers. I have another translation of the verse.

    Wish you a wonderful sunday!:-)

  2. Goodness, I hope they don't cast away these cords! Great capture Dina, I love the rich blue of the sky.

    My photography is available for purchase - visit Around the Island Photography and bring home something beautiful today!

  3. What a fine combination of memes, Dina!

    «Louis» mental CD player immediately went to Handel's Messiah when he read the Psalm you posted.

  4. Did you stop in traffic to get this one? hahahahaha

  5. Well done, Dina! A creative contribution to Sunday Bridges.

  6. Well done! The bridge photograph is a wonderful combination of angles.

  7. Modern bridges and ancient Psalms, a strange combination.

  8. The photo is beautiful. Hopefully that strong bridge cannot be broken nor cast away. Let the rulers of the world turn to God and worship him.

  9. Oh Dina, I am glad your daughter is safe. Mine is safe in Gympie but it will be very difficult to get home to Cooktown.Between these two towns there's a large stretch of water.

  10. the piercing cords into that blue sky is quite majestic looking.

  11. Great photo, Dina. This is certainly a challenge.

  12. I like the photo - the color of white against the clear blue sky; and the geometry of the angle.

  13. A really delightful bridge image.

  14. What a challenge, what a hope at the same time; as it seems that humankind was, is and probably will be able to cover each 'emptyness' with a bridge.

    Most impressed by your ability to turn what felt to be a negative meaning into the good and beautiful. Something that I enjoyed very much ! Thank you for being part of this challenge !

    Please have you all a good start into the new week.

    daily athens

  15. Quite stylish! Great architecture!
    I like the way you have composed your photo!


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