Thursday, January 20, 2011

Future stars

Today's Tu BiShvat morning sky, for SkyWatch, was deep blue with nary a cloud.
I happened to be walking past the side entrance of Binyanei HaUma convention center.
The ramps were full of young people.
Some were singing, some were strumming instruments.
You could feel the high energy, the excitement in the crowd.
I asked a boy what was going on. He said "All this is for Kokhav Nolad!"
Aha--so they were all anxiously waiting for the doors to open to auditions of A Star is Born, the Israeli version of American Idol and Pop Idol.
(I don't have a TV. Have I been missing something here?)


  1. Well, our family has been know to watch tv shows like that..... Sometimes it's down right painful to watch some of those less talented people audition....

  2. OH NO! Israel has been invaded by the American Idol-type show, too!

  3. NO,

    Hi Dina hope you are well. XXX Don

  4. Yes you have lol!

    Have a great weekend & happy SWF!

  5. Wow, look at them all, so many hopes and dreams, so soon to be dashed. But we all need to have hope.
    -- K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  6. Same kind of show back home in Germany, as well as over here in Greece. Together with 'The next Top Mode' and a dancing contest, the students speak much of it; surely a good mean for me to keep in touch with what goes on.

    May the best win. Please have a good Friday.

    daily athens

  7. We have TVs, but don't get any reception so they're just used for DVDs and video games. But I don't think you're missing anything. Lovely blue skies!

  8. Happy Birthday Dear Trees!

    (I planted some of them :)

    Aloha from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral



  9. The sunshine and the deep blue sky very well accompany the enthusiasm of the young people!

  10. Beautiful blue! I rarely watch TV shows like that.

  11. I have a TV but it stays almost always off. I use it almost only with DVD...

  12. Wishing you a belated chag sameach and shabbat shalom!

  13. It's a huge crowd of want-to-be stars! I guess it's the same here with out TV talent scouting shows.


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