Monday, April 9, 2012

Signing up to save a life

Walking through Hadassah hospital's lobby a few weeks ago, I was heartened to see so many young people registering to be potential bone marrow donors.

They filled out a form and got swabbed (provided saliva samples).

The March 20 drive was to find a donor for 5-year-old Aviel Bakman.
Maavak LeChaim (Fight for Life) organization had such stands in 34 malls across Israel.

As the Talmud teaches, "He who saves one life, it is as if he had saved the entire world."
(I'm glad to be able to show an altruistic part of my Jerusalem world for the Our World Tuesday meme.)


  1. Wonderful where alike is possible and happening. Please have a good Tuesday.

  2. lovely slice of life in Israel!

    Warm Aloha from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral



  3. Beautiful people doing beautiful things.

  4. What a beautiful action in your world.

  5. "He who saves one life, it is as if he had saved the entire world."

    I like that idea.

  6. Saliva? I thought the matching could only be verified through blood. Nevertheless this kind of action is always wonderful.

  7. Saving life would be easier if only every citizen would:
    a] give blood each three months and
    b] donate their organs after death.

    What is involved in bone marrow donation?

  8. A real good cause! I read that Talmid quote in Schindler's List!

  9. I hope they find the right donor.
    I hope the samples they took can be used to work out compatibility with other people awaiting a transplant !

  10. JM, yeah, I didn't understand the saliva thing and unfortunately I was accompanying someone and could not stop to ask or get more information.
    At some stage those who registered will also have to give some blood to have typed.

    Nathalie, yes, it is part of a big registry meant for other sick people too, not just the boy.

    Hels, I will get back to you with some answers soon.

  11. What a beautiful quote and God bless those that volunteer to share what could be living saving bone marrow.

  12. Helen, well, I am registered to do the b] part of your comment.

    On her family blog, my daughter recruits for Gift of Life Australia, which needs specifically Jewish donors.
    There you can read all about bone marrow (and also stem cell) donation:

    If you read Hebrew, here is the story that propelled Naomi to register and to encourage others to do so:,7340,L-4040298,00.html

  13. That's a great initiative!What the Talmud says, is so true!

  14. Great, Dina! I remember you taking this photo. I like the text you added.Especially this quote:"He who saves one life, it is as if he had saved the entire world."
    I remember that afternoon with great pleasure and thank you for showing the Chagall windows.

  15. It's terrific that the Bone Marrow drive got such a good response!

  16. Save life, and you save all human kinds. A noble thing. Good to see that the altruistic spirit is well and alive among the youths.


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