Thursday, August 1, 2013

Shine on


A hat tip (or hardhat tip) to the brave linemen who keep our street lamps working. 

Note the yellow sign (they are on all the lamp posts in my village) which warns "HIGH TENSION. DANGER OF DEATH!"
A post for City Daily Photo Theme Day--Street Lamps.
And also for SkyWatch Friday


  1. Yikes, it's not a job for me. Bravo to these men/women that risk their lives in these types of jobs.

  2. Not a job for me either!!! I always wondered how they changed the light bulbs in such high lamps.

  3. I din't thing about this! This is great, I always like pictures of people at work!

  4. A hazardous job, not for me either...
    Nice composition Dina.

  5. I would have loved to post something like this but our eletrics are below the pavement! :-) And I never did catch a change of lightbulbs...

  6. He is brave indeed. I wonder why they didn't put the wires for the street lamps in the ground instead?

  7. How often we take light from the street lamps for granted without giving a thought to the work required to keep them shining!!

  8. I like your choice for the theme. Yes, we owe a lot of our comforts to many, many people.

  9. Thank you so much for the link, Dina! It's great to see Sousa Mendes being remembered.

  10. I remember I saw the sign the first time in Beer Sheba (took a lot of pictures) and since everywhere in Israel.
    Great job they do!!:-)

  11. They should post those signs on everything... even kittens. hahahahaha

  12. Wow! That really is a scary job. Danger of Death? Yikes!

  13. Scary job but they do have a great view frim up there :)


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