Friday, February 7, 2014

What the blazes is this?


 A strange thing in Beer Sheva.
I did a double take the first time I walked past it.
In my imagination this is how Moloch looked.

This is the other side.
In back of it you see the gray walls of the Brutalistic-style city hall.

Who can enlarge this photo and read the French?
Made in 1995 is what I can understand.


  1. brickwork art - I think it looks great and it is certainly different.

  2. Let's see, it's been awhile and my French has gotten quite rusty.

    "this work is a collaboration made by Chaim Tecgy and Klaus Silmeke. It was a great pleasure...."

    I'm having a bit of a problem figuring out the last line.

    It's a curious looking sculpture to say the least.

  3. "This work was made in collaboration with Chaim Tecgy [I think] and Claus Schnehe [I think]." The rest I leave to someone with better French!

  4. This is quite interesting, but a little hard to figure out.

  5. ... and led to a beautiful friendship (finishing William's translation).

    It is striking and the fact that it's bricks makes it even more unusual!

  6. I quite like strange things, but this is really ugly!


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