Saturday, March 22, 2014

The memory of trees and of water


An ancient place of water in the desert is now inside  Meitar Forest.
A modern cautious person must have rolled a stone on it to reduce possible danger to hikers. 

Deep . . . 
Today is World Water Day , coming a day after  International Day of Forests.


  1. I wonder how old this can be...

  2. VP, I wonder too. The neighbor who guided a small group of us for three hours was not clear about the ages of a few installations.

  3. It could be very old indeed. I was watching a documentary last night about shafts dug for water in Egypt. The pic reminds me of that.

  4. Very interesting. You need an expert down there now!!
    That certainly goes back a long time.

  5. The fact that it's now in a forest rather than a desert makes me happy, for some reason.


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