Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Sesame Street?

Any food with sesame on it is good in my book.

The unusual arrangement of the oblong sesame-covered bagelach caught my eye at this basta (food stand) at Shuk Mahane Yehuda market.

The yellow paper on the wall tells us what time Shabbat began last Friday.
Just a few minutes after 6 p.m.
It is still hot in Israel and it feels like summer still, but the days are getting shorter and shorter--a sure sign of autumn.


  1. Geometry for body, mind and soul.

  2. A wonderful collection of bread rolls and I like the touch of sesame seeds on the top.

  3. I'm volunteering to be a taste tester! Where do I sign up?

  4. Yes, special Autumn in warmer climes.
    New Year beckons!

    Blessings on you and the City, Dina

    Warm Aloha from Waikiki;

    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >


    < ° ) } } > <

  5. Yum, and I see some pomegrantes there too.

  6. I love this photo - fabulous. I love sesame seeds too... yum. I loved seeing these when I was in J'lem, although I never tried one. I can't recall why I would not?!

  7. gnam gnam, looks good, I think I get hungry.

  8. It looks good, but I usually do not eat food from the street, maybe I can try next time. So big they are! I hope you have some summer left to offer when I come to Jerusalem in November.
    Happy day;-)

  9. I would try them all, they look delicious!

  10. I always know that bread is the most delicious food in my own world. Though very high-calories..

  11. Yummy.I like these food.

  12. That bread looks delicious! So your autumn is also on its way! We have sometimes sunshine and the next minute rain. The days are getting shorter too.

  13. Those breads look a lot better than anything I've seen recently around here. Not that I'd need that many carbs...~Mary

  14. Looks delicious and fun! I'll bet it'll be cooler in Chicago now than Hawaii. I'm wearing my jacket for the trip on Sunday.


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