Friday, November 8, 2013

Greening the desert


See the bust down on the ground floor of this unusual building?

It is David Ben-Gurion,  Israel's first prime minister.

Today I was there  at Ben-Gurion College at  Sde Boker, Ben-Gurion's kibbutz.
One Friday a month they offer great lectures and/or guided tours.

At the entrance to the kibbutz is Ben-Gurion's famous prophecy about how we would make the desert bloom and make the Negev a blessing to the State of Israel.
The green shrubbery overtaking the writing on the wall seems to prove that it  really is happening.
(Linking to Whimsical Windows, Delirious Doors meme.)


  1. I hope you are also planning a trip to Sde Boker...

  2. There seems a long way to go before the Negev is blooming, but Ben Gurion was a wise soul.

    Perhaps it was true that the Negev was once as lush as the north of Israel, until the Romans dug salt into the earth,

  3. William, yes it is!

    VP, I agree, I need at least a whole day there without a group.

    Hels, the Negev has many green places now, but I'm glad that most of the desert is still awesome wilderness.
    Salt?? This is new to me. Where is this said?

  4. It is unique how green it is in some places in the desert in Israel. I have driven past this place

  5. A lot of green for a desert. Thanks for this peek.

  6. Dina

    Have a look at this reference. It may not be a good analysis of Judges.

    The extreme desolation of the Negev was created repeatedly by merciless invaders. This often resulted in the total disappearance of
    civilizations. "And he took the city, and slew the people that
    were therein; and he beat down the city, and sowed it with
    salt" (Judges 9:45).

  7. Love the architecture shonw in the top shot!

  8. That is an impressive bust of the first prime minister. There's so little of Israel's history that I know. It's a good thing I have your blog, Dina.

  9. How far is Sde Boker from Meitar? Nice that you can hear some lectures.

  10. Suzanne, the drive was about 50 minutes.

  11. That is a really cool building - wow! Thanks so much for sharing it with us :) and I'm glad to see you're keeping so busy down there in the Negev!

  12. Today's world could use a visionary like David Ben-Gurion. Thank you for sharing.


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