Tuesday, November 19, 2013

World Toilet Day


See these signs and symbols, as if on shards?
They point the way to sanitized toilet facilities of the archaeology museum at the foot of Masada.

So yes, it's not only S day on ABC Wednesday; it is also the annual World Toilet Day.
Seriously--the U.N. General Assembly has designated November 19 as World Toilet Day. 

The idea behind it is
"We can't wait to improve sanitation.
2.5 billion people do not have access to a clean and safe toilet."



  1. It's a creative way to point them out, fitting in with the area!

  2. You know, it's tempting to make a joke. But I'm very grateful to have a clean, working toilet and I'll leave it at that.

  3. well done on an important subject about which many of us do not have any worries.

  4. Our family go camping often - and often without a flushing toilet. Just a "drop toilet" (hole in ground with seat and tin above" or go behind the bushes with a shovel. When we get home the thing we appreciate is having a clean, lit, non smelly, flushing toilet. It's something we take for granted, and we shouldn't.

  5. No offense intended to those 2.5 billion people but you can add me. The people at the office are such pigs...

  6. Water and sanitation. . .hugely important issues for many people in the world. Happy that attention is being paid! Kate, ABC Team

  7. So the U.N. General Assembly has nothing better to do?

  8. Nice signs, Dina.
    This is the first time I hear about a World Toilet Day...

  9. Oh my gracious! Toilet day? That's amazing! Then again I remember Art describing the toilets in Mali and understand the world wide need for good sanitation.


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