Wednesday, June 11, 2008

U made it to the end!

Underground Western Wall tunnel excavations open for tours.

Ultra-Orthodox Jewish neighborhood warning signs. (Click on photo to enlarge.)
Ubiquitous "circle U" that appears on packaged food (mostly American). The symbol is reserved for food products prepared and packaged or served according to the strict standards of the kosher dietary laws under the Orthodox Union's supervision


  1. Great series of U's.
    I liked them all equally.

    Come visit our U,
    Troy and Martha

  2. I know it's probably not permitted but I'd love to run my hands on the beautiful stone walls...Great pictures!!hughugs

  3. Thanks Troy and Martha, I'll be right over to Texas soon as I make the morning coffee.
    Donna shalom. The Western Wall stones are meant to be touched. People do that especially when praying.

  4. Fascinating! We learn so much each Wednesday!

  5. Many great U's here. You are so true about grandchildren:) I'm really looking forward to that!!!

  6. Loved Ur series, Dina. Yes, true alright about grandchildren.....undeniably the ultimate! :)


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