Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Two bloggers meet

The Shabbat before last, one of my blog-friends became a RLF, a real life friend!
Robin and her husband and their two kids drove half way across the country (45 minutes) to come up to the Hills of Jerusalem to visit me.

Robin is the photographer and author of her always-interesting blog "Around The Island."

At the local monastery, sweet Maya drank cold water emerging straight from the rock.
Ein el-Habis is most likely the spring that John the Baptist also drank from.

Itai and Maya took a seat next to the friars' new aviary.
The bench is new as well.
 You just have to weld some scrap metal posts, saw some wood and attach it, and voila--a bench that cost nothing.

Thanks for your visit, Robin. I had a great time with you and your family.
It's really fun to know you all in person now!
The one other blogger-friend who became a RLF is Ann of "Sydney Meanderings."
A year ago she took me on "a wander" through her wonderful city. Thanks Ann!
That seems so far away now and like such a long time ago.
I wonder who the next will be . . .


  1. How fun!

    I am wondering if one of her kids took the picture of both of you - it's at an angle one would expect from a kid (or someone short). Love Robin's smile - she looks so happy in the photo!

  2. Hi Leora, right you are. Itai volunteered to take our photo and he did a good job. Robin was smiling a lot that day, not just for the photo.

  3. It is definitely fun putting face and voice to our cyber-friends. I'm fortunate in having met several who've stopped through Seattle. Glad you had the opportunity and a fun time of it as well.

  4. Dina, it's good to meet the blogger friends in the real life. Never happened to me, for the time being.

  5. This is so much fun, Dina! I'm so glad you were able to meet a fellow blogger for real.

  6. Not short, Leora - the ground was just low where he was standing...


  7. How wonderful! I admire you both for getting together and meeting each other.

    How is little Libby?

  8. WOW! you are cyber friends, and now real life friends. I too feel that some of my cyber friends are real friends.

  9. Thanks Dina. Was it really a year ago, its gone so quickly. I hope we can meet again some day and with some more Sydney bloggers if you are in Sydney again.

  10. I've met one other CDP blogger and a number of cyber friends. It's been incredibly rewarding. I enjoy seeing others meet!

  11. Of course I was smiling - it was a wonderful day out and best of all I got to turn a blog friend into a real life one.

    'Til next time my friend...

  12. This is really a nice thing!


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