Saturday, December 11, 2010

Dressed for winter

Dean in the Shadows is a photo from 4 years ago, when he came to visit from Australia.
But my grandson's layers of warm clothes show how it starts to feel again here near Jerusalem.
My radiator on wheels is now ON!
Today is our first real winter day, with strong winds, cold, and a little rain (only 1 mm in Jerusalem in 24 hours).
Strangely enough, it also looks like a dust storm. The day is yellow and Jerusalem over on the horizon is not visible. The dust is painful to the eyes and throat.
Like we've forgotten how to do winter.
(The shadows of my shutters are for Hey Harriet's Shadow Shot Sunday.)


  1. I feel that way every winter Dina...surprised by it's bite, as though I've forgotten the sting of it. Yesterday we woke up to 7f...not even snow on the ground but still so bitter cold! A beautiful child!

  2. Winter? Hah :-)
    Let me tell you....

  3. It's cold here, but as the Russians say there is no bad weather, only wrong clothes!

  4. Contrast to here where it is 35 degree's today. Love the shadows and Jerusalem :-)

  5. My mother feels really cold in winter. Tif even sent her a down lap cover. Art and I just shake our heads as she snuggles down to watch TV with the temperature about 70 degrees.

  6. The shadows transform the child, it takes a while to look beyond the imprisoning shades and see the sweetness of youth peep through.
    A wonderful capture.

  7. i'm a total sucker for kids! this shot is fun! it captures his joy in this moment of play.

  8. Dean looks really cute decorated in those stripey shadows! You sure do experience some crazy weather! Keep safe and warm :)

  9. I love that very natural childlike pose. (In Australia ALL children eat their toys!!!!!)And, of course, the shadows are lovely.

  10. all bundled up! what a shadow that window catches on him:)

  11. Sweet, all those stripes, real and shadows! Greetings to you from a tiny internet cafe in Quezon Province in Philippines, Dina... were I'm getting more shots for our favorite memes... LOL!

  12. Love the stripes in his hat relfected int he striped shadow!

  13. How precious he is, Dina!

    I love the light and geometric aspects.


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