Tuesday, March 9, 2010

How Israel is helping Haitians

For ABC Wednesday's H day: How Israel is helping Haiti.

This photo is borrowed from a Facebook album of IsraAID: The Israel Forum for International Humanitarian Aid.
After the earthquake Israel was prompt to send in medical and rescue teams and equipment.
Probably you followed on TV how everyone in Haiti loved the Israeli doctors and soldiers and volunteers. And here in Israel we could easily see in the videos that our people in the field were becoming very fond of the injured children and all those that they helped.
I think they were almost sorry to finish their mission there and fly home.
So it didn't surprise us too much when this great news was announced last week:

"The Israeli government has decided to continue its official assistance to Haiti as part of the global effort of reconstruction of the country. This will be coordinated through MASHAV - Israel's Agency for International Development Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The Israeli ambassador in Santo Domingo, Amos Radian, is in contact with the authorities in Haiti to find an appropriate site for building an Israeli Children's Village and to obtain the necessary approval. The project plans include an elementary school that will operate in two shifts, a playground/sports field, and a medical center. The site could also be utilized for conducting evening adult education classes. A planned community center will work with youngsters on post trauma treatment and counseling, psychological rehabilitation and afternoon activities.

In coordination with the mayor of Port au Prince, a local principal and teaching staff will be recruited for the school, which will be comprised of 6-8 classrooms (between 30-50 students per class). They will be joined by professionals from Israel and, possibly, volunteer teachers from Jewish communities around the world. Meals will be provided to the school through an arrangement with various NGOs."
There are many other current Israeli aid efforts in Haiti.
I promise, it will make you feel good about humanity to read about them and about the many Israeli and Jewish volunteer organizations committed to helping where help is needed. Wonderful photos, videos, and links at the MFA website!


  1. This made me so very, very thankful! I love how the whole world is coming together to help those less fortunate! Wonderful!

  2. Many countries can make the work in Haiti lighter! Bravo, Israel, bravo!

  3. Wonderful! I was so impressed when I heard about these efforts...and to come from so far away. truly touching.

  4. The world still mourns for Haiti.

  5. É comovente saber que existem pessoas tão generosas, que deixam seus lares, suas famílias e seguem a ajudar outros povos distantes. Aqui também ficamos abalados e comovidos com este desastre, já que também perdemos pessoas queridas. Parabenizo -lhe pelos textos interessantes e também pelo Dia Internacional da Mulher.
    Saudações cariocas!

  6. New Zealand also is doing as much as the country can to assist, and also to assist the Chilean peoples, the world needs to rally around in support when disasters hit, both Haiti and Chile are really poor countries.

  7. Give Israel the children of Haiti for 25 years and they would transform that country completely. Unfortunately, it will never happen. There is money in poverty. I have already said enough.

  8. «Louis» has heard nothing but praise for the Israeli response to the plight of the Haitians.

    Israel's response and humanitarian outreach in Haiti is very typical of the Jewish people - a fact all to often forgotten by all too many people across the world.

    The Global Jewish population is approximately 14,000,000. Only FOURTEEN MILLION or about 0.02% of the world's population. This small group of people has received 159 Nobel prizes. No other people has done so much for humanity.

  9. If only the world could have this spirit and do this not only in time of distress, the world would be much a better place. All of us - the human race - are brothers and sisters living and sharing the same home.

    We didn't hear much of what Israelis do there. (We hear what our Indonesian medical and rescue teams do there.) It's good to know that everybody cares. More hands make the work lighter.


  11. A very good act of Israel to come to help such a poor country in such a good way.

  12. this is wonderful news! Bravo Israel!!

  13. What a great cause and a great use of the letter "H."


  14. this is very thrilling. The Israelis got operational in Haiti very early. Quite impressive.

    Not incidentally, I wrote about Haiti's history; didn't even get into the 20th century stuff.

  15. Such a warm post - good to hear!

  16. Good on Israel to be first on the spot! Strangely enough we saw how popular the Dutch were and how they worked. I am sure that each nation showed their own achievements. Well the most important thing is that the whole world was helping. The Russians did a great job too in their hospital. We saw that on TV too. It's great Isreal is continuing the good work!

  17. That is wonderful. Thank you for sharing this.

  18. This is really good news!
    I remember Israeli crews were involved in some of the first most moving and impressive images as to rescue survivers under the rubble.

  19. Great to know that Israel is helping. Too much bad news and the sad sitaution lets shine from other countries.


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