Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Not-real cats


C is for constructed cats.

As if Israeli cities don't have enough stray cats roaming the streets, some Tel Aviv neighborhoods have added cat sculptures.
(Linking to ABC Wednesday.)


  1. I love this photo .The cats look so real Dina

  2. I am such a cat lover that I'd have these all over my yard and garden. So much better - realistic looking - than any I've ever seen before!

  3. Real or not, the main thing is, it is somewhere a cat :)
    I like the first photo, Dina !

  4. There are dog statues in my neighborhood. I think they're supposed to scare you off (if you don't look too closely).

  5. I would be sad to see all those cats homeless, thankfully overhere that is much less the case

    Have a nice ABC-W-Day / - week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc-w-team)

  6. what a contrast,
    lovely cats in gray.

  7. If there are more than enough stray cats in the nation, the sculptors should not depict more. Instead they should depict more exotic animals that people don't normally see dozing in the Tel Aviv sunshine eg llamas or koala bears :)

  8. Those are neat :) Sadly there are many stray cats here too.

  9. I wonder if the sculptures fool the cats. :-)


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