Friday, September 15, 2017

Marble slabs, all in a row


Is it just me, or is there something exciting about seeing marble slabs?

The worker wearing a dust mask had been cutting stone on the shrill-sounding saw.

Shiny, big and beautiful. 
And expensive, I imagine.

The marble place is in Beer Sheva. 

And what's this hiding under a table in the 
shadows . . . ?


  1. There's a facility here that does that kind of work, both marble and granite.

  2. Naturally occurring materials, like marble and granite, are always stunning to look at. Hard to work with, though.

  3. Interesting photos Dina

  4. You make me want to dash of to the nearest place that stocks huge slabs of marble and other stone! I've never seen that in person, only on TV. There's something really wonderful about slabs of stone, polished on one side and rough on the other - such beautiful patterns and markings. Beauty taken from the dusty old earth, dug out of mountains, or wherever it may come from. Lots of hidden beauty there where no one knows about it but God until someone excavates! Those dishes are a surprising thing to see; did you ever figure out what they were doing there?


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