Thursday, January 11, 2018

Soldiers with ponytails


As our town's touring group was leaving the Jordan River baptism site, these two soldiers asked if they could ask our guide (on the right) a question.
I think it was something about the big Christian significance of the Kasr al Yahud site.
Sorry I couldn't hang around and listen but I had to hurry and get some photos before 4 pm closing time.

These soldiers on guard there at the Jordanian border (the river is the border there) belong to the IDF's Nahal Brigade.
You can tell by the color of their beret, "glow stick green."

Such nice girls!

(Linking to Our World Tuesday.)


  1. Proud of these girls, but it's scary to me to see guns out in the open like that.

  2. Their expressions certainly are friendly.

  3. I was so proud of my daughter in law and nieces when they joined the army. I would not have touched a gun, personally speaking, but there was so much else those young, strong women could contribute to the nation.

  4. Every time I see an Israeli woman soldier now I think of Gal Gadot.

  5. I feel the same as Hels, I would not touch a gun , I am proud of young women in service to our country.

  6. ...things sure have changed.

  7. I'm surprised you were allowed to take photos.


  8. Ha, I'm enjoying the different reactions from around the world! Thanks, friends.

  9. That's a fascinating snapshot of your part of the world.

  10. Pity they are necessary but good that they are there. Strange world.

  11. The soldiers remind me immediately of that the president of the USA has made a major connection with Israel - awesome (haven't been here so long, but my blog jumped to your site - I guess I was supposed to see this! Maybe you remember that I am Dutch and have lived in South California for a few decades in the LA basin - now I lived for 3 years in N-CA))

  12. Shalom Jeannette, it's nice to see you again! :)


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