Thursday, February 28, 2019

Stopping to smell the flowers


On our monthly outing last week part of the group got out of the bus and walked into a meadow to marvel at the glorious blooming wildflowers and to hear guide Dudu explain. 
Everything was so green and wet from the blessedly rainy winter Israel is finally having!
This was at Ramot Menashe, the plateau between the Carmel mountain range and the Jezreel Valley, toward the country's north.

GREEN is the topic for City Daily Photo bloggers theme day. Take a look.
Bloggers in other countries may take green fields for granted, but Israelis get really excited to see this temporary color in winter, before the long hot dry season turns things brown.


  1. We Southern Californians share your excitement and appreciation of the lush green that arrives to temporarily grace us with its vivid color and beauty after the oh-so-rare rains.

  2. So green! I remember picking flowers on a field near Beit Shean. I am amazed by how green Israel can be

  3. Very glad to see the rain, but are you sure that photo was taken in Israel :) I haven't seen lushness like that in Israel... ever. Or Australia, for that matter.

  4. No green in my area quite yet as we're still snow-covered. But this looks lovely and reminds me of what's to come.

  5. Stop in from Idaho from Perth daily photo. I'm a little jealous you have green grass.
    Hope you find the time to stop over for a cup of coffee.

  6. Love all the green , we're still buried in snow. Dina

  7. Oh, rain. You need rain? We've had more than our fair share in Greece, so if I could I would gladly send you plenty. (Remind me of this come August when I am whining about the lack of water!)

  8. Gosh it really does look lovely and lush Dina, long may the rain continue. We had a 39C today with the chance of rain later in the week, I really hope we do get some 💚

  9. Two more months before any green in sight here. Longing for spring.

  10. I’m so glad you’ve got some green to enjoy during the winter, Dina. Chicago is certainly not green right now.

  11. I had no idea Israel could be so LUSH!


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