Thursday, June 27, 2013

Towers soar skyward


Which is taller, which more important for security, which will defend the city better?
The old stronghold of the Citadel with its towering Tower of David?
Or the modern tall antenna on the Kishle police station?

The view is from outside the Old City wall.
(Linking to SkyWatch Friday.)


  1. Lovely blue sky in your post for the theme!
    Well done!

  2. Indeed a beautiful blue sky! Hard to tell which is taller from the angle, but I think the police tower makes it possible to call in an air strike in case of an attack.

  3. The antenna would never last that long... What a beautiful sight (I mean the tower of course!)

  4. Hmmm I think the F-16s will defend the city better than either! How lovely to see blue sky!

  5. Makes me wonder what the builders and defenders of that substantial stone tower would think of the amazing capabilities of the comparably flimsy looking antenna.

  6. my guess is the rather plain cell tower. They've been putting those things in church steeples here in the US. maybe they could do the same with the cell tower. Stick it inside David's tower....or is that just WRONG? ; )

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  7. Well, the tower has lasted a long time, but I suppose the cell is necessary these days.


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