Tuesday, June 4, 2013

U is for uniform(s)


You can put our kids into army uniforms when they are 18, but you can never make them uniform.

Even from the back you can tell that each one is unique. 
Their guide was explaining the wide expanse of Jerusalem far below as we stood atop Phasael tower inside the Tower of David museum.
(Linking to ABC Wednesday.)


  1. You are so right! Looking at each of them, they each stand a certain way, look a certain way - not uniform with another!

  2. So true, even one ignoring the view as her book is too interesting.
    Joy - ABC Team

  3. Uniformity, I suppose, is USEFUL for military discipline, but I tend to shy away from it.

    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  4. In class today, we looked at the soldiers on Massada. The uniformed ceremony looked very emotional, even in rowdy teenagers :)

  5. Love the play on words and yes we are all Unique.
    Great post Dina.

  6. This is so true, and what a difficult job Israeli soldiers have.

  7. You couldn't choose better. Unfortunately that's the reality...

  8. I saw a lot of these groups around when I was there. They were everywhere...

  9. Very true!
    They are unique and God Bless them!

  10. I like your commentary on the first photo.

  11. Every one of these soldiers is unique ,but in a battle they have to act like one .
    Shabbat shalom, Dina and hopefully you will live in peace thanks to these military young people.


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