Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Armenians at prayer


For ABC Wednesday, A is for Armenian arches

and Armenian priests and monks at prayer in their beautiful chapel in the upstairs level of the Holy Sepulchre.

Their chapel is up these stairs, but I think not many outsiders are allowed to ascend.
(Linking also to inSPIREd Sunday.)


  1. Beautiful- this part of the Holy Sepulchre seems quite light.

  2. Good point, William. It was an Armenian feast day, so I think they turned on all their lights to brighten things up.

  3. Beautiful architecture♪

  4. Going into the Armenian chapel looks lovely. But you are quite right... I have never been into this part of Holy Sepulchre.

  5. Hello Dina,
    What a beautiful part of the church but such a pity it is
    not shared more with ordinary people.
    I though being part of a religious order was to set an example of say,
    sharing with your fellow man...Just a thought !

    best wishes,
    ABCW team.

  6. Trubes/Di, shalom, I'm not sure what the rules are. I think the whole upper level of the rotunda are not open to the throngs of tourists. Maybe for security reasons? However, when I saw the Armenian Orthodox clergy hurrying upstairs for their prayer, I ran after them and asked permission to come too. They agreed, even though I obviously was not any kind of Orthodox Christian (and not a Christian at all), since I was wearing pants and no head covering. It was only me and the men you see in the photo up there. So they DID share.

  7. 100th anniversary of the genocide v the Armenians. Sad.


  8. The atmosphere is always a so mysterious...

  9. How lovely that they allowed you to come, AND to take pictures! This is a rare treat. Thank you, Dina.

  10. I should study so that I knew more about the Armenians. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  11. Reading the other comments, I have to say that prayer is a private thing to me, so I wouldn't want any intrusions--especially, if they didn't want to join me. That said, this is a beautiful place for worship.

  12. This is such a beautiful, ancient church.


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